Hello New Friends, I Wanted to take a minute to welcome you all to Jenz Skinny Friendz and let you know our purpose and goal. 1. First and foremost to help you become healthy! Your first step to doing that is to cut out all soda and artificial sweetened products. Start to eat healthy. No more fast food! I know these things may be difficult to do but it is the main reason most of us got this way in the first place. Replace all sodas with Water. Whether it is just plain water or some of the recipes I have posted ... 2. To help motivate you lose weight, this is my 2nd goal. I have started with a Starter Exercise program, it is important to start to exercise and move.. I know this may be hard for some because of some health issues, but this is what we are here for to help you come up with other ways/methods to help you lose weight. ♥ 3. Maintain your health and weight. So we are here for the long haul to keep you motivated and on the right track. Always come back to us for motivation and support and know there is NO judging here if you fall off the wagon. :) 4. To let you know about Skinny Fiber (All-Natural). It is not necessary to try this product in order to stay in the group, but after being in this company for the last few months and watching thousands of people's lives being changed including my own and several of my family members. I want to share this with everyone. Remember: It isn't necessary to use this at all to stay here in this group. So In short the first steps to getting healthy and losing weight: Detox all the toxins out of your body.. Replace any soda or sweetened beverages with water.. Start to exercise.. We're starting with a Starters program and if you are new to the group, go to the Albums and start with Day 1 (commenting that you have done them as you go) Ask questions or ask for help if you need motivation.